The anti-seasickness bracelets on a boat, do they work?


If you have clicked on this link, it is because you get seasick, or at least you are afraid of doing it. The first thing I have to tell you is that if you have counted a cruise on a large ship, you will hardly notice the movement, but if necessary, you see that you turn pale and get dizzy, I will give you some tips so that your trip does not turn into a nightmare.

As it is not a topic that I have dealt with for the first time, here you can read another articleToday I want to focus on the anti-seasick bracelets, For which many and many of you have asked me, although I will also give you some other recommendation.

How do anti-seasickness bracelets work?

As I told you a proposal that I find interesting, to avoid dizziness, are the anti-seasickness bracelets, which one is placed on each wrist. I explain how they work, and you decide if they can come in handy or not. Each bracelet has a ball in the center that is placed on the inside of the wrist. These balls are what cause that you can inhibit nausea. These bracelets are based on acupuncture. I know all kinds of experiences, I know of people who have not worked for them and others who finally enjoy their trips on ferries, and on sailboats, which I can assure you move much more than any large cruise ship.

The natural pressure, acupressure, that the bracelet exerts on the specific point P6 (Nei-Quan Point) makes you control nausea. The point I am talking about three fingers wide above (that is, towards the elbow) the crease of the wrist.

what are the main symptoms of dizziness

These bracelets too they are suitable for children over 3 years old, in the pharmacy you will find a model for them. its market price is about 10 eurosThey usually come in a pack of two, you have one for each doll.

I recommend you put some anti-seasick bracelets in your luggage, they have no side effectsIt is effective in about 5 minutes, reusable, with a high durability, and you can use it even if the symptoms have started ... by the way, now I will tell you what some of these symptoms are.

Symptoms of dizziness

But the first thing you should do if you are on a cruise is recognize the symptoms of dizzinessIf you feel fatigue, you want to vomit even though you haven't eaten anything, and you think that from one moment to the next you are going to hit the ground, then you are very close to dizziness. First divert attention from yourself, try to distract yourself, since attitude is also very important when we feel dizzy.

But if you see that the symptoms continue, get horizontal, in the event that you are alone or alone, someone will come to help you and the crew themselves are aware of these inconveniences.

During the whole journey protect yourself from the sun, stay well hydrated or hydrated with natural juices and water, and try not to eat very fatty or acidic foods. Another way to avoid dizziness is not to be exposed to bad smells.

how to do the epley maneuver

Epley Maneuver

If you have already got dizzy, and there is nothing to do, remember this maneuver. It's called the Epley maneuver and the entire crew is trained to help you with it. It consists in that sitting on the floor or in bed tilts his head about 45 degrees. With this, it is possible to carry fragments of calcium crystals that cause vertigo to an area of ​​the inner ear, once there the symptoms are neutralized. You have to stay in this position one or two minutes.

Then you have to tilt your head 90 degrees facing the ground. Also for about a minute. Finally, slowly return to the seated resting position. In the image I think it is clearer.

Once you feel better hydrate, a large glass of water to the bottom. Sometimes we feel that this is going to make us vomit again, but it is not. Listen to me and drink water. You don't have to sit up, keep sitting on the floor. Once you feel better you can sit up quietly, not in a sudden way and… I hope it was all a passing episode. Now it's time to enjoy the cruise.

Related article:
Tips to avoid dizziness once you are on board

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