On more than one occasion I have spoken of the label to follow on a cruise. It is important to know that there are three types of "night" on board: casual, semi-formal and formal and in the latter you They will ask for a tuxedo or a dark suit with a tie.
I will explain what each one of them consists of. In the casual nights, Sports shirts and pants is the suggested clothing for men, sundresses or pants for women. In the semi-formal nights dresses and pantsuits for women, jacket and tie for men. And now comes the most complicated, the formal nightsThey and men should wear a suit and tie or tuxedos in cocktail dresses, which they say is optional.
And I say that this option is relative, since some shipping companies do require men to carry tuxedo or dark suit and tie. However, you do not need to buy a tuxedo if you are only going to use it on this trip, since many ships offer tuxedo rental services, and there is no size problem. Too shirts, bow ties, vests, tie are rented ....whatever you need. Although we recommend that if you are going to do more than one cruise, you do buy a tuxedo and always pack it in your suitcase.
An advantage of put the tuxedo in the suitcase It is that this way you do not have to put on the suit for the semi-formal and casual elegant nights, because you can combine the pants with a blazer and tie.
What they do not rent are the black shoes that you do have to wear.
To give you an idea In the three and four night cruises there will be a formal night and the rest casual. Those of seven nights include two gala nights, one semi-formal night and four casual nights and so on, but beware! Cruises always offer informal restaurant alternatives for those who do not want to attend the gala or formal nights.