Motion sickness or kinetic why does it occur?


Have I ever talked in this blog about some tricks to cope with seasickness on board a boat, but since I keep getting questions about it I have thought that in addition to some trick I'm going to explain why this type of dizziness occurs, which is called motion sickness, or kinetic, and it has to do with the fact that your brain does not get on well with the information that comes to it from the different parts of the body. I explain it better to you.

Through the inner ear we perceive if we are moving or not, and in what way we do it. Through the eyes we also know if we are moving or not, and also the skin tells you which part of our body is in contact with the ground. Thus muscles and joints send information to the brain, telling it which muscles are in motion and your posture. Well, when this occurs inside an object that has its own movement, for example a ship, that is when your brain becomes a mess and ultimately you get dizzy.

The You already know symptoms of this dizziness, they begin with cold sweats, you turn white, general malaise, vertigo, nausea and finally, they reach vomiting. But remember that this in itself is not a disease, but a natural reaction to what your brain cannot interpret, that is why the most normal thing is that After a few days of navigation, our brain assimilates the movement to which we are subjected and we will stop getting dizzy..then it will happen that when we reach the mainland, the opposite will happen to us and we will become unbalanced.

If you are one of those who get dizzy frequently, in general always look ahead, taking the same direction as the transport in which you are traveling, and if you are on board a boat, go up to the upper deck, as far as possible in the center of the ship and look towards the horizon, to see the sea and the sky meet.

Hopefully I was able to help you a bit with this perspective on motion sickness or kinetic.

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